Oil Press,Pellet Mill,Briquette Press

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Below we provide you with the proper link and link text for placing our link on your website. Below we have provided the source code for our link. Just copy and paste the source code into your page.

Link to our website: http://www.agico.com.cn

Our Link Text: AGICO mainly manufacture and export biomass renewable energy machinery,including oil press,flat die pellet press,charcoal biomasss briquetting press,wood pellet mills,cold roll forming in China.

HTML Source:

<a href="http://www.agico.com.cn/" title="Pellet Mill">Oil Press,Pellet Mill,Briquette Press-Biomass Renewable Energy</a>


Gemco Energy
GEMCO is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Biomass Energy (especially Pellet Mill,Oil Press and Biomass Briquette Machine in China).

Complete Plants and Equipments
HENAN KINGMAN MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL COMPLETE PLANT CO., LTD (KMEC) is a global engineering company and leading supplier of complete plants and equipments. We offer a full range of end-to-end solutions for the design and installation of oil mill plants, flour mill plants, animal feed plants and energy pellet plants